Rimzaa Soft
Rimzaa Soft is a mobile game developer based in Karachi,Pakistan, with offices in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Since our launch in 2016, we’ve brought five games to the global market – Battle Strike, Humpty Dumpty, Cube Out, Battle Strike World war and Encounter TD. Our goal is to make the best games – games that are played by as many people as possible, enjoyed for years and remembered forever.
Battle strike World War
Battle Strike World War: Is to prove who’s the best in an epic test of strength and skill. These Maps are salted with powerful weapons and Grenade. Every weapon you pick up changes your style of play
Battle Strike World War is a 2D platform fighting game that supports up to 8 online players.
Our Story
In the winter of 2016, Rimzaa Soft was born. Back then, the founder had no idea what the company would become. They just knew they wanted to make great games that people would play for years. To do so, they would create a new kind of gaming company.
“Rimzaa Soft was founded on a few Motivation Words.”
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty is a new high-flying Adventure unlike anything you’ve played before.
You will need to be fast and agile to avoid obstacles, and you might even lose a few feathers!
Egg is downright crazy about his Life! ???
Battle Strike World War
Battle Strike World War: Is to prove who’s the best in an epic test of strength and skill. These Maps are salted with powerful weapons and Grenade. Every weapon you pick up changes your style of play
Rimzaa Soft Founder
Israr Ulhaq
I am fond of gaming since my childhood & always do it. When I became 14 years old when my elder brother inspired me to develop my own games by saying that just think that, “how the game developers look like”? Then I thought to make my own software company. I Googled & learned from YouTube in 4 years then launched my own named Rimza Soft. My first game is Battle Strike. 2nd one is Encounter TD 3rd is Battle Strike World War I have uploaded these on Playstore and working on 2 more. My study has disturbed much in this, in result, my progress went low then I continued my study till matric and clear it in a good grade, now I have attempted Inter exams. I faced many hurdles, then I used to be angry and sometimes be sad, in such situations my family motivates me to do that, “you can do it”. Then I worked hard very much. Now by the grace of Allah Almighty, I am earning 50k just from home if in future traffic increases towards my games then for sure my income would also increase. It’s very tough for me to manage alone. First I have to create audios then models plus their programming.
Battle Strike
Battle Strike is a real-time online Multiplayer 3D First Person Shooter built for Mobile Devices
A multiplayer FPS in a sci-fi setting!
#RimzaaSoft #RimzaaSoftFounder #BattleStrike #BattleStrikeWorldWar #HumptyDumpty #CubeOut #EncounterTD #RimzaaSoftOwner